Manage Customers

The Customers section serves as a central hub for managing customer information and transactions. It encompasses all individuals who have interacted with your business, regardless of whether their transactions were successful. Additionally, it incorporates customers you've manually registered, thereby enhancing your database.

customer section image

Effortless customer registration

When a new customer uses one of your pay links to make a payment, BoomFi automatically registers them. No need for manual steps, it's all seamless. If you desire, you can add more information about each customer.


BoomFi will only fill in the required fields.

Smooth transaction tracking

Customer interactions and transactions are tracked using unique Wallet Addresses. When a customer pays from their unique address, the system records the details in their profile on your dashboard.

Manual customer registration

You can manually register a new customer by clicking the Add customer button. Fill in their Name and a unique Wallet Address to establish their profile. You may desire to add more information about each customer as well, and the following fields are optional:


Personal Address

Phone Number

Unique Customer Identifier

Twitter Handle

Discord username

Customer overview

Access customer profiles to view their information and transaction history by clicking on their profiles. Here, you can review their records, manage subscriptions, and modify personal information using the edit button. To delete a customer, simply click the red delete button.

customer details section

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