Configure your Card Ramp URL

The following query parameters can be added to the URL to customize BoomFi's Card Ramp solution:

Parameter NameDescriptionValid Values
sell_ccyThe fiat currency code that the user wants to sell.Refer to the Supported Fiat Currencies table.
sell_amountThe amount of fiat currency to sell. Required if sell_ccy is provided.Any positive number.
chain_idThe identifier of the blockchain network for the cryptocurrency token. Examples include Ethereum (ETH), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, Arbitrum, Solana, and Tron.Refer to the Supported Blockchain Networks table.
buy_ccyThe symbol of the cryptocurrency to buy. Optional; must correspond with buy_token and chain_id.Must match the buy_token.
buy_amountThe amount of cryptocurrency to buy. Applied only if buy_ccy is provided and valid.Any positive number.
buy_tokenThe contract address of the cryptocurrency token to buy. Must be a valid, checksummed address specific to the token's blockchain.Valid token contract address.
recipient_walletThe wallet address to receive the cryptocurrency. The address must be compatible with the specified chain_id.Valid wallet address matching the chain_id.
redirect_toThe URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful transaction. Ensure the URL is correct and functional; invalid URLs will be ignored.Valid URL format.
locked_fieldsA list of fields to lock, preventing the user from modifying them during the transaction. Locking ensures these fields remain fixed. See the Locked Fields use cases for examples.sell_amount, sell_ccy, buy_amount, buy_token
skip_quote_screenSet skip_quote_screen=1 to bypass the quote screen. When using this parameter, ensure the following:

- Required Parameters: chain_id, buy_token, sell_ccy, and either buy_amount or sell_amount (do not provide both).
- Lock the following fields: Use locked_fields to lock buy_token, sell_ccy, and the amount field you provided (buy_amount or sell_amount).
ext_partner_idYour organization ID, found on the Merchant Dashboard under Settings > Merchant. If valid and a webhook URL is set, a payment webhook payload will be sent.Valid Org ID.
ext_refAn external reference string you choose, such as a session identifier. If set alongside a valid ext_partner_id, it will be included in the payment webhook payload.Any string.



If both buy_amount and sell_amount are provided and valid, buy_amount will take priority.

Use cases

The following is an example URL using most parameters on the table:

Locked Fields

To lock a field, you need to add the locked_field parameter. The example below locks the sell amount to the value set in the sell_amount field:



It's important to note the following constraints:

  • In order to lock the sell_amount, you must also lock the sell_ccy.
  • In order to lock the buy_amount, you need to lock the buy_ccy.

Also, you can lock multiple fields in the URL. To do this, add multiple locked_fields query parameters to the URL, one for each field you need to be locked. Below, you will find an example of locking sell_amount and sell_ccy, making the option locked with a sell currency of GBP and a sell amount of 10:

Skipping Quote Screen

Below, you find two examples to skip the quote screen by adding the skip_quote_screen=1 query parameter:

Buy 10000 USDC on Ethereum, Sell GBP

Here, the following required parameters were added:

  • chain_id=1
  • buy_token=0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
  • sell_ccy=GBP
  • buy_amount=10000

And, the following fields were locked:

  • locked_fields=buy_token
  • locked_fields=sell_ccy
  • locked_fields=buy_amount

Buy 1000 GBP worth of USDC on Ethereum

In this example, the following required parameters are set:

  • chain_id=1
  • buy_token=0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
  • sell_ccy=GBP
  • sell_amount=1000

And, the following fields are locked:

  • locked_fields=buy_token
  • locked_fields=sell_ccy
  • locked_fields=sell_amount