Webhooks for Ramp Payments

Webhooks allow your system to receive real-time updates about ramp payments, enabling automated actions based on payment events. For example, if you're running a platform that facilitates crypto top-ups, such as an online casino or a trading app, you can use webhooks to instantly verify deposits and credit users accordingly.

To receive webhook events for ramp payments, you must:

  1. Have a BoomFi organization with a webhook endpoint set up.
  2. Pass the ext_partner_id and ext_ref query parameters when generating the ramp URL.

Webhook Payload

  "id": "pay_2sJ7yMxWlTnWOO24UQZb7ykq5kA",
  "parent_id": "",
  "org_id": "2dwSdnkr8AE20YqM58eaix44r5J",
  "amount": "100",
  "currency": "USD",
  "invoice_id": "",
  "source": "BoomFi",
  "payment_method": "Ramp",
  "customer_id": "2nbx3a4CBjpUzILkM4tCPE6EZQK",
  "status": "RequiresAction",
  "next_action": "compliance",
  "scheduled_time": 0,
  "created_at": "2025-01-29T14:47:56.382Z",
  "updated_at": "2025-01-29T14:49:42.874265Z",
  "amount_usd": "100",
  "crypto_transaction": {
    "chain_id": 1,
    "customer_settlement_address": "0x184e38Ceac61f424f45Cb1f3558c61882f1e6d7F"
  "buy_currency": "USDC",
  "buy_currency_amount": "96.33",
  "buy_token_address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
  "buy_token_chain_id": 1,
  "rate": "0.9873",
  "fees": {
    "boomfi_fee": "1",
    "fee_currency": "USD",
    "network_fee": "1.43411496991842617987769634",
    "total_fee": "2.43411496991842617987769634"
  "org": {
    "id": "org_2dwSdnkr8AE20YqM58eaix44r5J",
    "name": "BoomfiOnramp"
  "customer": {
    "id": "cus_2nbx3a4CBjpUzILkM4tCPE6EZQK",
    "org_id": "2dwSdnkr8AE20YqM58eaix44r5J",
    "name": "",
    "email": "support@boomfi.xyz",
    "phone": "",
    "wallet_address": "",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "reference": "user-test-e25f549b-db1e-46ba-991f-73105f4667b7",
    "metadata": {},
    "created_at": "2024-10-18T12:42:57.721Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-10-18T12:42:57.721Z"


Webhook Security

Always verify the webhook signature from the X-BoomFi-Signature header to prevent unauthorized spoofing.

Key Fields in the Webhook Payload

Tracking Your Payments:

The ext_ref field (passed in the query parameters) appears in the metadata section of the webhook payload lets you map the payment to your internal records.

Fiat vs. Crypto Values:

Fiat amount spent: amount (e.g., "amount": "100", "currency": "USD")

Crypto amount received: buy_currency_amount (e.g., "buy_currency_amount": "96.33", "buy_currency": "USDC")

Recipient Information:

The user's settlement wallet address is stored in crypto_transaction.customer_settlement_address.

Fees Breakdown:

BoomFi fee: fees.boomfi_fee

Network fee: fees.network_fee

Total fees: fees.total_fee

Blockchain Details:

The blockchain network ID is provided in crypto_transaction.chain_id. You can find the full list of supported chain IDs here.

Payment Statuses

RequiresActionPayment has been initiated but is pending due to compliance checks or regulatory reviews. The assets have not been delivered yet.
SucceededPayment is successful, and the assets have been delivered. The crypto_transaction object will include a hash field with the transaction hash.
FailedThe payment failed, and the user will not receive crypto. If a card was charged, it will be refunded.