Supported Countries for Card Ramp

BoomFi Ramp supports Visa and Mastercard transactions from the following countries, as identified by their respective Bank Identification Numbers (BIN). Please note that this list pertains to the issuing countries of the cards and does not reflect the countries of residence supported for our services (a full list of supported countries is provided during the KYC process):

Country BIN Supported Methods
Australia AUS Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Austria AUT Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Belgium BEL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Brazil BRA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Bulgaria BGR Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Colombia COL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Costa Rica CRI Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Cyprus CYP Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Czech Republic CZE Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Denmark DNK Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Dominican Republic DOM Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Finland FIN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
France FRA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Gibraltar GIB Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Greece GRC Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Hungary HUN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Iceland ISL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Ireland IRL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Israel ISR Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Italy ITA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Japan JPN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Latvia LVA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Liechtenstein LIE Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Lithuania LTU Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Luxembourg LUX Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Malta MLT Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Mexico MEX Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
New Zealand NZL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Nigeria NGA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Norway NOR Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Oman OMN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Philippines PHL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Poland POL Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Portugal PRT Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Romania ROU Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Serbia SRB Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Slovakia SVK Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Slovenia SVN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Spain ESP Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Sweden SWE Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Switzerland CHE Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Taiwan TWN Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Thailand THA Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Turkey TUR Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Ukraine UKR Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
United Arab Emirates ARE Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay
Uzbekistan UZB Visa MasterCard Apple Pay Google Pay