API Reference

BoomFi's API employs an API Key security schema to authenticate all HTTP requests. These keys are unique alphanumeric tokens generated by BoomFi, serving as a digital "key" that grants authorized access to specific API endpoints. This ensures that only approved users or systems can request and retrieve data from the API.


API Key creation

Please note that BoomFi never stores the API key after creation (it is shown only once during creation) and cannot assist in recovering a lost key. Be sure to securely store your API key immediately after generating it.

The API Key is a critical element in our business operations, providing a secure and efficient way to access and utilize data, services, or resources offered by our application programming interface (API). In BoomFi, we use the x-api-method to protect information. This means you must include the x-api-key on the headers of each request. The following provides an example of how this should be done:

curl --request GET \
     --url https://mapi.boomfi.xyz/customers \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>'


Keep your keys safe

It is important to avoid sharing your secret API keys in public places like Github or Bitbucket since it can allow malicious API calls.

To generate your API key, access the BoomFi dashboard, navigate to the API section, and create a new key. Please note that the key will only be displayed once, so be sure to store it securely. Refer to the API page for additional details on managing API keys safely.